Discover how EzyApps helped Melrose Contracting
to have real-time data on their on-site staff and contractors.

Transparency in data leads to
Both better safety compliance

Melrose Contracting used to have difficulty communicating safety issues to their on-site staff and contractors. They struggled with a time lag in reporting issues or with lost paper forms. They teamed up with EZYApps to build a dashboard that controlled all their compliance and also a mobile app which helped them evaluate the risk assessments submitted in a real time.
Now with the custom product, Melrose Contracting can access all the legal compliance related documents that are stored in a centralized location. Not only this, everything is easily assessed from the mobile app during a site visit.

An IMage

Run through the checklists and immediately get the information you need without having to report back to the front office.

EZYSafety gives the necessary tools, information services and alerts needed to analyze and convey site risks to workers, subcontractors and their principal contractors. EZYSafety allows builders and subcontractors to completely act in accordance with the Construction work code of practice for construction and maintain the standards of health, safety and welfare required under work health and safety regulations in each State.






Man hours with no lost-time incident